Compete with the best and hack your own AI solution.
AI Games - 2020 EDITION
AI Games Hackathon
Let’s face it. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world. It’s changing the way we develop technologies, build businesses and educate ourselves. AI Games team decided to eagerly face this challenge and help AI geeks from all around the world build their own visions of our future with AI.
During AI Games your team will have 24 hours to hack your own solution to one of 3 real world AI challenges!
Remember to check our terms and regulations first! 😉
Hack your own AI solution
We prepared for you 3 AI challenges from different domains.
Expect more details soon.
Aviation Challenge
Airspace Intelligence challenges you to predict flight times. To win in this competition you will have to analize historical flight, weather and airport data!
Voice Challenge
VoiceLab Artificial Intelligence challenges your optimization skills! You will have to analize human voice records of various quality and optimize the training of voice models to win the main prize!
Weather Challenge
The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management and Excento will test your abilities to predict weather events! Using historical data you will have to predict sudden changes in weather!
Day 0 – Friday Evening
Don’t have a team yet? It’s a great opportunity!
Room FGH (Building C)
Gdański Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
ul. Trzy Lipy 3
80-172 Gdańsk
Day 1 – Hackathon (Saturday)
Main Hall, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Room ABC, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Hall -1, Floor -1
Mentors will be available for you on the coding hall. Feel free to ask them any question regarding problems and your solution.
Krzysztof DoroszCTO @ Airspace Intelligence
Piotr Kowenzowski
Software Developer @ Airspace Intelligence
Jakub Kaliski
ASR Lead Engineer @ VoiceLab.AI Szymon Marszałkowski
ASR Engineer @ VoiceLab.AI Paweł Gora
Researcher @ TensorCell
Paweł Wawrzyński
Assistant Professor @ Artificial Intelligence Division, Warsaw University of Technology
Piotr Januszewski
Innovator @ Intel Innovator Program
Jakub Cwynar
Data Science Trainer @ devmeetings.org
Kacper Bazyliński
Data Scientist @ Neoteric
Krzysztof Czarnecki
Software Engineer & Researcher @ Intel Joanna Czarnecka
Institiute of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, UG Szymon Kocot
Machine Learning Engineer @ Elmiko Biosignals Places:
Room ABC, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Restaurant, Floor -1
Hall -1, Floor -1
Restaurant, Floor -1
Hall -1, Floor -1
Whole event area
Hall -1, Floor -1
Day 1 – Conference (Saturday)
Sandra Kublik
Co-founder & CEO @ Nextgrid
In 2019 capital investment into European AI companies reached a record $4.9B. The deep learning tech ecosystem has recently become more broadly accessible. There is a great momentum and a window of opportunity for Makers. In my talk I will introduce Nextgrid, an aggregator for deep learning and reinforcement learning startups based in Warsaw, and its daughter initiative Deep Learning Labs, a series of mini-hackathons aiming to accelerate awareness of recent breakthroughs in AI. I will present our current activities and roadmap for 2020.
Room D, Ground Floor
Restaurant, Floor -1
Kacper Bazyliński
Data Scientist @ Neoteric
In the last years, recommender systems have taken more and more place in our lives. From e-commerce to online advertisement. Recommender models are really crucial in some industries as they can generate a huge amount of income when they are efficient or also be a way to stand out significantly from competitors.
Room D, Ground Floor
Paweł Gora
Researcher @ TensorCell
I will present a method for optimizing traffic signal control using AI which we develop in the research group TensorCell. Basically, we train machine learning models (e.g., graph neural networks, LightGBM) to build metamodels approximating outcomes of time-consuming traffic simulations, which we use to evaluate the quality of traffic signal settings in optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing or CMA-ES.
Room D, Ground Floor
Natalia Walczak
Student Partner @ Microsoft Student Partner
Poznaj usługę zaproponowane przez Microsoft – Azure Machine Learning Studio, którą wykorzystasz do szybkiej i łatwej pracy przy implementacji i testowaniu nowych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego w swoim projekcie.
Room D, Ground Floor
Restaurant, Floor -1
Michał Mańkiewicz
Coach & Private Teacher
If you have got a great idea, but don’t know how to show it to the world, then it might never go out from bounds of your heart and might never hit the heart of other man. You have an opportunity to take part in workshop which shows how to present yourself in front of the audience.
– Structure of speech,
– Rhetorical tips & tricks,
– Body language,
– Time to practice – volunteers on stage!
Important! We’ve got limited number of seats, so only one person from each team will be allowed to take part in the workshop.
Workshop will be held in Polish.
Room E, Ground Floor
Łukasz Czekaj
Data Scientist @ ML Gdańsk
Prezentacja stanowi łagodne wprowadzeniem do modelowania Bayesowskiego. W trakcie wykładu omówione zostanie twierdzenia Bayesa, obszar jego zastosowań w modelowaniu wraz z przykładami wykorzystania metod Bayesowskich w analizie danych. Zaprezentowane zostaną języki/frameworki JAGS i pymc3 a także metody estymacji modeli.
Room D, Ground Floor
Krzysztof Soja
President @ Koło Naukowe Robotyki i Sztucznej Inteligencji UJ
Reinforcement Learning jest dziedziną uczenia maszynowego, która zajmuje się rozwiązywaniem problemów dających się przedstawić jako maksywamlizacja wartości oczekiwanej sumy sygnałów zwrotnych. Algorytmy z tej dziedziny napotykają jednak na problem w sytuacji, kiedy nie da się zdefiniować nagród lub nagrody są przydzielane rzadko. Podczas swojej prezentacji opowiem uczyć model, przyznając nagrody za sam fakt okrywania nowych stanów.
Room D, Ground Floor
Piotr Januszewski
Innovator @ Intel Innovator Program
Currently, smart edge devices enabled an entirely new segment of AI applications that are not reliant on a connection to the cloud: smart security cameras, gesture-controlled drones, industrial machine vision equipment, and more. I’ll show you how to run compute-intensive applications like object detection using Intel technologies on the edge! You’ll learn about Intel® OpenVINO and oneAPI toolkits. Finally, you’ll see object detection demo running in real-time on Raspberry PI using Neural Compute Stick.
Room D, Ground Floor
Day 2 – Hackathon (Sunday)
Hall -1, Floor -1
Restaurant, Floor -1
Room ABC, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Room ABC, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Restaurant, Floor -1
Room ABC, Ground Floor
Room D, Ground Floor
Room FGH, Floor -1
Room FGH, Floor -1
Get advice from the best
Does your idea seem too crazy? Is the challenge too intimidating? You don’t have enough expertise? Don’t worry.
A group of domain and AI leaders will help you reach the full potential during workshops, lectures and mentoring sessions. They are there to help you understand challenges, advise on technologies and make your solution presentation top-notch.
Krzysztof Dorosz
Airspace Intelligence
Sandra Kublik
Piotr Kowenzowski
Airspace Intelligence
Mathias Åsberg
Paweł Gora
Krzysztof Soja
Naukowe Koło Robotyki i Sztucznej Inteligencji
Paweł Wawrzyński
Artificial Intelligence Division, Warsaw University of Technology
Kacper Bazyliński
Jakub Cwynar
Szymon Kocot
Elmiko Biosignals / ML Gdańsk
Piotr Januszewski
Krzysztof Czarnowski
Michał Mańkiewicz
Joanna Czarnowska
Łukasz Kukiełka
Airspace Intelligence
Natalia Walczak
Microsoft Student Partner
Jakub Kaliski
Łukasz Czekaj
ML Gdańsk
Szymon Marszałkowski
Sławomir Guzek
Agnieszka Harasimowicz
We are a vision-driven group of students and engineers crazy about AI. We believe that community and sharing is the best way to learn, build and grow.

Paweł Kopeć
Main Coordinator

Adrianna Górska
Vice Coordinator

Michał Górecki

Jakub Powierza

Daniel Mątwicki

Jan Pliszka

Hubert Skrzypczak

Mateusz Dyrda

Weronika Narloch

Dariusz Piotrowski

Sebastian Kowalewski
Community Partners

Patrycja Matejek
AI Games will take place in Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, Pomeranian hub for innovation. The city of Gdańsk took a honorary patronage over the event.
Sponsors & Partners
If you would like to join AI Games as a partner or sponsor, please let us know: contact@aigames.it

Do you want to be our sponsor? Or maybe you know a company which is interested?
Please let us know: contact@aigames.it